About Us

Our brand – «Toria Secure Systems» – reflects the core idea, that our positioning stems from the experience of our founder Stefano Toria.
Indeed it is so, because Stefano has been around for so long, that he was already active in cybersecurity when most of today’s security professionals were still in their infancy.
However, we are a team, so let us introduce ourselves.


Stefano Toria
Founder and CEO

in 2017 Stefano founded a company with his own brand, banking on the experience collected in almost five decades of career in IT, cyber security, and audit.
Before that, Stefano provided his services as a principal security consultant, lead auditor, trainer, and security evangelist, in InfoGuard AG and Crypto AG in Switzerland, SecurTeam and IPACRI in Italy, and enjoyed a decade-long career as contract professor at Luiss University in Rome, where he graduated in 1980 in Economics and Trade.
Stefano is bilingual in English and Italian, fluent in German and French, and when he is not working he can be found sailing on the Lake of Zug, reading, or listening to music.


Silvia Jencinella
Principal Consultant and CFO

True to the Italian saying that ‘you can’t live off art’, despite her obvious artistic talents Silvia trained in business management.
Her interests as an IT pioneer led her to approach the online world well before the commercial spread of the Internet. In 1991 Silvia made a decisive contribution to the birth and development of MC-link, Italy’s first private Internet provider.
Picking up on her talents, Silvia followed an academic training as a graphic artist, managing for a few years EquiPage, a private graphic design services studio.
At Toria Secure Systems Silvia contributes to the management of client projects, and keeps a firm grip on the company’s finances.
Silvia is also an exquisite mosaic artist, managing her own mosaic atelier MosArtek GmbH.


Edoardo Guzzi
Marketing and communication

Edoardo is the creative mind behind our marketing copy, and communication materials.
He is especially keen on new initiatives, such as start-ups or entrepreneurs willing to changing and improving. He supports his clients in achieving great results, raising the Italian flag all over the world.
Besides his skills in marketing, Edoardo is a gifted chef, with a strong focus on – guess what – Italian cuisine and a knack for applying high-tech cooking tools to his high cuisine creations.